What I nice weekend I've just had. I've been dropping hints for weeks now to my darling husband, in anticipation of the "big event". Needless to say, he still left it to the last minute and come Saturday there was no sign of any goodies or treats. At least he admitted his negligence and we came to an agreement which was very much to my liking! I got to go shopping all by myself on Saturday without any children in tow!!!!! Yes, that's right, NO CHILDREN!!!!!!! YAY!!! It was blissful to stroll around and not have to bribe, placate, scream or shout! And what did I buy you ask? Some lovely new clothes for ME!
On the "real" Mother's Day I was treated to a lie in with a nice cup of coffee (I'm working them up to breakfast in bed)! Ross and Maddy had made lovely cards for me at school which are far better than any shop bought ones. I just have to share my son's beautiful message in his card - I'm so proud of his handwriting! Silly - I know but that's the "teacher" mom in me coming out!

We went to church where the children sang songs for the Mothers with Sunday School. Maddy made her first stage appearance complete with her Peppa pig backpack. I spent the whole time waiting for her to fall off the stage as she teetered precariously close to the edge! After Church we went to Paul's sister for coffee and cake and then it was home for a nice relaxing afternoon and a steak dinner!!
All in all a very nice weekend! No time for Internet as I'm having too much fun doing other stuff.

Gethin has suddenly changed from a quiet, relaxed baby to a noisy, loud, wriggly worm. He wants to see everything, touch everything and go wherever he pleases. I'm not looking forward to the journey to Oz as I'm sure he's going to be all over the place!
That's all folks!