
Sunday, 26 July 2009

Gold Paint & Burning Couches!

Lets just say the first week of school holidays was "ok". No major damage, unless you count the fact that the carpets and walls and a few other things upstairs are slightly gold! Courtesy of Madam Maddy! She took it upon herself to spread gold paint all over the upstairs bedrooms and herself - rather liberally I might add! She was, of course naked (any tips for how to get a 2 year old to keep her clothes on will be much appreciated)at the time of the incident and looked as if she had had an encounter with a fake tan bottle!!
The great news is that there will be far more school holidays to endure throughout the rest of this year! Because ...... when we get to Australia, Ross will probably not go to school for the first month (maybe two) and then in December schools there close for 8 weeks!!! I think I shall be suitably "bonded with my kids"!!!
Wait - it gets better!
Madison was due to start full time school in September here in Wales and I discovered recently that she will not be starting school until 2011 in Perth!!! Don't get me wrong, I do LOVE my kids but every mom needs a break and school is good for them. I guess we'll be paying for a few mornings at playschool for Maddy and Gethin until 2011!!
While we're on the whole "school" topic I shall use this opportunity to brag about Ross' reading progress. His teacher printed out a few levels for me to take to Australia and I am very proud to announce that he is at a reading age of a "9 and a half year old". Well done Ross!
Last but not least, I shall take you through the photos for the week. Paul has been talking about this moment for over a year now. Burning the couches!!
Strange for some but very significant to us. We have been putting up with these couches for quite some time now while preparing for this move. They travelled with us from South Africa 7 years ago and have seen us through the last 6 years of messy kids. So, since they were not fit for selling, Paul decided he would dispose of them by burning them. This was no ordinary burning, let me tell you! Anyone who knows Paul, will know he is well known for being very neat and tidy and so this was a very "neat and tidy" bonfire. First, he painstakingly took the couch apart and cut it into smaller pieces.

Next we arranged the bonfire audience to watch from a safe distance so that their ice-creams didn't melt!

And then, Paul very carefully (so as not to spill or make a mess)poured petrol in a steel drum, lit it and proceeded to burn the couch!

This was very symbolic of saying good-bye to our old life in the UK and hoping and praying that our new life in Australia will be all we dream of!

Thursday, 16 July 2009

The beginning of the end!!

Goodness, its been 20 days since the last post and we are now left with only 48 days till Operation Big Move.
We're starting to do all the "last things" before we leave. I've worked my "last" day and Maddy and Ross are soon to have their "last" day at school. I see people now and afterwards think, I wonder if that's the last time I'll see them. Strange, I know!!
We're quick to say how much we dislike this place we've called home for the last 7 years but the truth of the matter is, that a small part of me will actually be sad to say "good-bye". This is the place where we've had our children and this is all they've ever known. And besides that, I've made some really good friends here and I am not looking forward to saying "good-bye". The next month, although very exciting for us on one front is sure to hold a few tears and I'm sure it will be with a heavy heart that we say good-bye to everything good from Wales, whether it be friends or places!!!
Ok, onto a more cheerful note! Surely I should be excited about 6 weeks of school holidays! Mmmmm not too sure. I'm certainly happy that I don't have to get up every morning and get 3 little bodies plus myself ready for school. But for the most part, I think its going to be hard work keeping my 3 suitably entertained, especially if we don't have good weather!
I have a few tricks up my sleeve and I also have a lovely weekend away (without kids or husband)to look forward to!
Got to dash now as I need to fetch Ross from school and in true Welsh style its raining! I'm sure God is making sure I never forget "rainy" Wales as it hasn't stopped raining all week!!!