Fortunately, we have been rather busy over the last few weeks. Not busy enough for me though as some days have definitely dragged by!
Let me see - what have I been up to!!
Well, I've met up with a new friend that I met on the internet. Before everyone gasps with shock - it was perfectly safe! I'm on a Mother and Baby chat on a scrapping website. To cut a long story short, I was moaning on there about keeping the kids occupied for the holidays and Stevie very kindly offered to meet up with me for a day out with her kids and mine. Our children are all virtually the same age so it was a perfect day out. Stevie and I got on famously and happily chatted while the children played!

Then we had Miss Madam's 3rd birthday! I managed to magic up quite an impressive castle cake for our little princess who was very impressed with her mother's masterpiece! This birthday also saw the end of bottles for Maddy who gave them up quite graciously without too much fuss! Thank goodness! She did proclaim on the 1st night that she wasn't 3 years old, she was 2 and where were her bottles. Fortunately the bottles had been distributed to various pregnant friends for their "babies" and were by that time safely in a bin somewhere. So there was no giving in, although I'm sure she would have settled for one of Gethin's.

Gethin decided he would like to visit the hospital where he was born on Friday night for one last visit!! Thankfully what we thought was quite a serious thing turned out to be ok in the end. Thanks to mom's quick thinking! He had an allergic reaction to something he ate for supper. Within half an hour his face was swollen and he had red bumps all over. We became concerned for his breathing at one point and decided it would be better for him to be checked out. Before I left for the hospital I had given him a dose of antihistamine. Paul rang ahead and I was very impressed with the A&E department's prompt response. When I got there a doctor was waiting for me and they had already prepared the paed resuscitation unit! I felt like I was on a scene from ER! Fortunately there was no need for resuscitation as the antihistamine had worked by then but they did need us to stay in overnight for observation. He will need to get checked out in Australia to investigate further what caused the reaction as this is the 2nd one he's had and they seem to be getting worse.
We've started saying our final good-byes to our close friends this week. The children saw some friends yesterday for the last time and are out again now to say good-bye to some others. I'm meeting up with some "mom friends" for the last time on Thursday night and the rest we will be bidding farewell to on the weekend!

The house is virtually packed up and we are finally living with the bare essentials. The removal company will be here on Thursday to take away our treasured possessions and then we are done!!!
And so, I bid you a fond farewell from "sunny" Wales and who knows where the next post will be coming from. It could be London, Hong Kong or PERTH!!!!
Hwyl (Good-bye). Wela i chi eto (See you again).