Can you believe how fast time goes? We have been in Perth for just over a month now. We are now in the waiting phase which I can assure you is not fun! Sitting around waiting for the phone to ring is hard work! Wishing that the phone would ring with someone offering you an interview is even harder work. Paul and I never imagined that we would feel so desperate to go out and work. Fortunately we have the children to keep us busy in the day so that just leaves the evenings for us to ponder our situation. We're trying really hard to enjoy all the precious time we are getting to spend with the children as I'm sure it won't last for much longer. Well, I certainly hope it won't!
Don't worry, I haven't lost all hope. I truly believe that God will make a way where there seems to be no way!
In between looking for work and a house and all the other boring things you have to do when you move, we try to fit in a bit of sightseeing here and there. On Sunday afternoon we visited Yanchep National Park, where we saw koalas and kangaroos and had a trip into a cave. The kids loved it and we really enjoy seeing them so happy outdoors.
Ross, who was a complete TV addict in Wales, hardly ever bother with the tv here and is much happier kicking the ball around outside. Gethin and Maddy would live in the pool, if they could swim! Gethin has already taken 2 dips in the rather cold water and I think is causing his Granny sleepless nights as she worries about him falling in unnoticed. It happens so quickly and even though we never let them near the pool unattended he did manage to fall in without Paul actually noticing him. Fortunately Madison screamed rather loudly and Paul rescued him! We have removed "pool" from our house hunting list!
Well, thats all for now folks. The next time I blog I hope to have some good news to share!