Now that summer has finally hit, we're starting to enjoy some outdoor activities and last night we decided to take Ross to the driving range. Maddy and Gethin tagged along for some fun as well, so I'm not too sure if the "golfing world" were too impressed with the noisy family of five pitching up on their turf. This was quite a big driving range and had an upstairs area so we took the kids up there as it seemed quieter and less busy. Ross was in his element "whacking" away at the 100 balls he had to share with his Dad. Of course, Maddy needed to have a go and also proceeded to "whack" a few balls. However, they weren't going very far and most of them just dropped off the edge. The person underneath must have been wondering who the terrible golfer was above, who's balls were just dribbling miserably off the edge. I spent the time making sure Gethin didn't dive off the edge or catch any backwards swings in the face. Whenever we do something fun like this with the kids, Paul and I often make this comment to each other, "This is why we came to Australia!"

Last week I was "entered and orientated" into WA's education system. In other words, I did a two day induction course. What I thought was going to be tedious and boring actually turned out to be fun and interesting. First of all, it was two childfree days where I could relax in adult mode and enjoy some adult conversation. The course was quite enjoyable and informative with the added bonus of meeting some new people and possibly the start of some new friendships. Paul works near where I did the course and so on Friday we had the priviledge of traveling together on the bus and train. You may be wondering what's so special about that, but for us to be alone together without our kids is a very rare occurence and henceforth I'm sure you will understand why we took great delight in our bus and train date!
Poor Gethin has had to endure a few rather unpleasant doctor's visits lately. One of them was to be tested for allergies of which he is the proud owner of 3 - egg, nuts and wait for it, BEEF! We were expecting the egg and nut allergy but the beef was a strange surprise. Even the specialist was surprised at that one. Fortunately it was a very mild reaction and he said we should just avoid giving him undercooked meat. Phew! Paul is a very fussy eater and to have to avoid beef would be a nightmare as its about the only "meat" my darling husband will eat.
The last picture for today is of the visitor we found in our garden the other day. I believe it to be a skink! It was very hot on the day we found him and so I presume he was looking for a shady spot. However we thought it would be in everyone's best interests (his included) that he be moved onto another shady spot and so he was put on the next available flight (via a bucket)over the garden fence.