Don't they look sweet! I took this in the first week of February when school started back again after the looooong summer. Ross is now in Year 2 (where has the time gone?)and Maddy and Gethin have started at daycare. Unfortunately, not all the smiles remained and Gethin is certainly not too impressed with this whole school malarkey. Poor boy, as I thought he cried quite a bit and when I fetched him later that day he was feeling very sorry for himself. Maddy, on the other hand, just loves going and thoroughly enjoyed her time there. Hopefully, she will use up her obsessive compulsive habit of decorating walls at school and no longer feel the need to do it at home any more.
My feelings about school are pretty similar to Gethin's at the moment albeit for different reasons. I think if I hear these words once more I shall go mad!
"Oh you're a teacher - you'll easily get a job!" PAH!!!!!!
Maybe, if you call 6 months and counting "easily getting a job"!!!
And so, on that "feeling very sorry for myself" note, I shall quit with no further comment..........