
Thursday, 25 March 2010

Hint no. 2

Sunnies, as they're called down under! I have a very narrow face so its quite a mission to find sunglasses that suit my face. My present pair are children's sunglasses, which cost £6 from Boots! But since I am no longer able to shop at my beloved Boots and mine are shall we say, looking worse for wear, I would love a new pair.

I found these online and think they would be perfect for my little face! (sorry about the gobbledie gook - still haven't figured out how to put in a link)

Thursday, 18 March 2010

Hint no. 1.

I recently discovered a new follower of my blog - my darling Husband!!!

Hi Babs!

And so, since my birthday is just around the corner, I thought I would drop a few hints. I recently discovered this lovely Heartstrings Necklace whilst "blogging"! Its so beautiful and I would love one of my own to treasure.

I was going to put a link in for the actual website but do you think I can figure out how to do that? NOPE. So here's the web address:
for ANYONE who's interested in buying one. wink wink

Happy shopping!

Saturday, 13 March 2010

Planes, trains and automobiles!

I am more than convinced that Mothers are the "best drivers in the world"! Anyone who can control arguments, listen to "daily news", pass dropped toys or drinks and still keep the car on the road has got to be good!

This is how things go in my car!

Gethin: Mommy, ai aine! (airplane)

Mommy: Yes, there's an aeroplane. Wow!

Gethin: Mommy, ig ruck! (big truck)

Mommy: Yes, big truck!

Gethin: us! (bus)

Mommy doesn't reply because she's concentrating.

Gethin: Mommy, US!

Mommy: mmmmm

Gethin: MOMMY! US!

Mommy: yes


Mommy: Yes, I see it Geth! BIG BUS!

And so it goes on, for every plane, train, bus, big truck, digger and even WATER! If I dare not acknowledge his sighting I am bombarded with repeats until I issue the correct statement.
Add to this, Maddy and Ross having an argument about something trivial which soon reaches epic proportions unless I intervene! There we go - World War 3 in a car!

Yes, I definitely think "Moms" are the best drivers!