I am more than convinced that Mothers are the "best drivers in the world"! Anyone who can control arguments, listen to "daily news", pass dropped toys or drinks and still keep the car on the road has got to be good!
This is how things go in my car!
Gethin: Mommy, ai aine! (airplane)
Yes, there's an aeroplane. Wow!Gethin: Mommy, ig ruck! (big truck)
Yes, big truck!Gethin: us! (bus)
Mommy doesn't reply because she's concentrating.Gethin: Mommy, US!
MOMMY! US!Mommy:
Yes, I see it Geth! BIG BUS!And so it goes on, for every plane, train, bus, big truck, digger and even WATER! If I dare not acknowledge his sighting I am bombarded with repeats until I issue the correct statement.
Add to this, Maddy and Ross having an argument about something trivial which soon reaches epic proportions unless I intervene! There we go - World War 3 in a car!
Yes, I definitely think "Moms" are the best drivers!