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I just love her to bits. Many people say they don't mind what the sex of their children are and are quite happy with only having boys! NOT ME - no way!!! I've always said I wanted a little girl and I think the good Lord knew that I was serious. Don't get me wrong I love "my boys" but I'm so blessed to have Maddy to share all those lovely little girly things with.
4 Things I love about my princess:
1) She very often randomly pipes up, "I love you mommy" when I'm least expecting it and very often when I'm needing to hear it the most.
2) She loves shopping!
3) She can now strap herself into her car seat by herself. This grand feat was accomplished today and she's so proud of herself. I did ask her to try and strap herself in the other day to which she replied, "I can't do it - when I'm 23 I'll be able to do it"! I'm so glad she got it right before the grand old age of 23!
4) I love the excitement she has for reading and writing and drawing. This girl is so ready for "big school".
We've had a wonderful day celebrating her birthday. First, it was presents.
Then morning tea.
Followed by a nice lunch at Sizzlers and then off to the park to ride bikes.
A perfect way to celebrate a special day!