And now I sit - trying to think how I'm going to try and cram 3 months into one interesting post. Not happening!
Instead I shall talk about what I talk about best. No, not shopping - the kids!
This is Ross: firstborn son and heir. Quiet and calm boy, very rarely in trouble except where siblings are involved.
Whenever my mom and I speak on the phone she always asks (like any good grandmother) how the children are. When she gets to asking about Ross I never have any hair-raising stories to tell. I sometimes try and imagine what life would be like with Ross as an only child and I'm thinking it would be a very calm, laid-back kind of life. Don't get me wrong, he's no angel but compared to the other two he's pretty easy going! I love the fact that he is so into his sport! He's mad about footy , cricket, tennis and pretty much anything that requires a ball!
I love you Ross (even when you dawdle in the morning)!
Time to spice things up!!!!
Add to the mix: Madam Maddy
Oh boy - she is the complete opposite of the above. Never a dull moment with her around. She's been giving me a hard time this year and I'm sure I've more than earned my Mother's Day present this year!
Some of it is not her fault and then the rest, shall we say, is just Maddy! She decided at the beginning of this year that daycare was not for her - too boring and really just for babies. She's a big Kindy girl now and has no need for daycare! Big problem! Since Kindy is only 2 days a week we still have 3 days spare for daycare if I work and she did not like this!!! Day after day, I would have to drag her off me, kicking and screaming! Believe me, it was enough to give anyone high blood pressure.
This behaviour then spilled over to swimming lessons and dancing until everything just became too much! I've never been so close to wanting to just give up all my good mother ideals and let her have her merry way, just for peace and quiet. Anyway we persevered through the tough times and after many tears (hers and mine), stickers and rewards we are making progress and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
In my darling princess' defence, she does probably have the most disrupted schedule this year and its just taken her a little while to settle into a routine.
I love the way she's so eager to learn and has started reading on her own without any "pushing" from her teacher mom.
I love you Madison (even when you're throwing a wobbly)!
Last but not least, we have Gethy boy! My little baby who seems to be a combination of the above mentioned. He's a little less feisty than Maddy with some of Ross' calmness mixed in! As long as its doesn't involve lego men!
For those who know me well, you will also know that potty training is not my parenting forte! So I've been putting off this task with Geth for as long as possible until daycare recently took the situation out of my hands. To cut a long story short - they basically did the hard part for me in the first 2 weeks and I'd say he's pretty much sorted with very little hassle for me. Phew! I really don't like that job!
So my precious baby will turn 3 on Friday and really be a big boy in all senses of the word "big".
His new favourite activity is talking on the phone - regardless of who it is! He recently insisted on talking to the telesales guy who was ringing from India! I thought it would be a good way of getting rid of the annoying telesales man but he was more than happy to chat with Geth if it meant I stayed on the line for a few minutes more.
I love you Geth (even when you're screaming over little tiny lego men)!
And that folks, is the 3 little personalities that make up my world!