Lately, life just feels like one crazy blur! Its like one big vicious circle of wake, work/school, extra-curricula activities, home, dinner, bath, bed (add to this a lot of shouting from one mom with zero patience). I spend all day with other people's children exercising "a lot of patience" so that by the time I get home that "patience" is pretty much used up and you can probably guess for yourselves who bears the brunt of this shortfall of "patience"!
The other day at school, I found myself sitting in the sandpit (I hate sandpits) playing with some of the children in my class and I couldn't remember when the last time was that I had done this with one of my own precious children.
And then I find myself thinking, "This is not how I imagined my happy family life to be...."
BUT before we all lose hope in this crazy world, along comes a looooonnnnnnggggggg weekend where we have no major plans and we get to replenish on that lost patience and do some fun things like......
picnics on the beach,
letting your "little knight in shining armour" ride his horse in the lounge
and having one great big sleepover party in the lounge, with Maccas for breakfast and staying in our pjs till lunchtime!
Now this is what I imagined! So we're not the "perfect parents" but then again, who is? BUT we can be FUN sometimes and in my eyes that's what counts!
Give your kids a hug and tell them that you love them! For those few moments the world will be ok.