Two days and already I'm slacking!! The last 2 days have been pretty much uneventful so I thought I wouldn't bore you with the details. I've also been working so haven't had much time either. When I work I have to be extremely well organised or else we have disaster. Everything is packed and ready the night before so that all we have to do in the morning is get dressed and GO! I dress myself first and then Ross and if time is on our side I dress the babies. So far so good - with the exception of Gethin no one has been delivered to the childminder in their pjs! I'm sure the day will come though!!
I've been working at my favourite school this week. Treorchy Primary. Its where I worked for a whole term at the beginning of the year, just before Gethin was born. I know the staff well so its nice to see everyone again after my time off! The kids know me as well so I don't have to be the mean teacher until they get the hint that I'm not to be messed with because I'm the supply!
Just got back from Ross' football practice so I'm off to feed, bath and bed the children and then RELAX!