Life with Madison is never dull to say the least. Thanks to her little fingers we had to be rescued from the RAC - again! Tuesday is Tumble Tots day which Maddy absolutely adores. Everytime we get in the car she thinks she's going to Tumble Tots. Anyway, after a relatively uneventful (one small temper tantrum and only a packet of chips and a box of Smarties for bribery is minor in the world of Madison) trip to Tesco for our weekly shopping we then made our way to T Tots. We were a bit early so I decided to give Gethin his lunch in the car while we waited and then in we went for our weekly exercise. Got back to the car afterwards to discover we had a flat battery - Madam had been playing in the front while I fed Gethin and left the lights, flickers, hazards etc etc ....... on. Tried to call RAC but couldn't get through. Plan B: ever helpful Paul. After much ummming and aaahing he decided it was urgent enough to ask to leave his beloved job and rescue his wife and children. But by now it was past 2pm and Ross needed to be picked up from school at 3pm. So while I waited I tried the Rac again and this time managed to get through to a human. Luckily there was an Rac man in the area and he was in attendance within 10 minutes! I knew having small kids would have its perks - we were bumped up the list and marked as priority because I had 2 small children in the car with me!
Soon enough we were back on the road again and made it home without any further ado. It was too late for Paul to go back to work and he had excused himself from training for the evening so the kids got to enjoy Daddy for the whole afternoon. Normally they don't seem him from Tuesday morning until Wednesday afternoon because he gets back so late from football!
Hope you like my choice of photo for today - I thought our precious little Princess deserved to show off her cheeky little face!
1 comment:
Dear Miss Maddy
Keep giving your mom a hard time (it makes her life more interesting).
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