Goodness me, its been ages since I last wrote! Time just flies when you're having fun. I can't believe that as we speak my parents are on a plane back to SA! It feels like just yesterday I was picking them up from the station.
We've had a lovely time over the last 3 weeks. We've celebrated Christmas, New Year, 2 Birthdays and Gethin's dedication plus had a week away at CentreParcs. The children have really loved having their Grandparents around, as have Paul and I. All the extra help definitely lightens our load!
Ross really enjoyed Christmas this year and was really excited when he finally woke up on Christmas morning. He got a Nintendo wii as his main present and we've had some good laughs playing it with him. Madison, on the other hand, was none too impressed with the whole event and spent the first part of Christmas day crying. She didn't want to open her presents and spent the rest of the day clinging to me. A bit too much for her!
Gethin was not well all Christmas week and had to be taken to the out of hours doc at the hospital on boxing day! Poor boy! He had a throat infection leading to the ears. He was much better once the antibiotics kicked in and was back to his usual happy self again!
We've had the coldest weather ever this year with the temps not getting much higher than 0 degrees! Although I'm not the greatest fan of cold weather I do prefer it to wind and rain so I can't really complain.
We had a lovely week away at CentreParcs. The place really is impressive set in a huge forest location! Our woodland lodge was tucked away in the trees and the kids were so excited in the morning with all the squirrels, rabbits and birds hopping around right in front of the sliding doors. We went on lovely wintery walks (no cars allowed in the park), rode the land train, took the kids swimming, played tenpin and much much more!! It was so cold the huge lake there froze - something I've never seen before!! I'll try and put some of the many photos up of the extremely cold weather we've had over the next few weeks.
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