Its been a long time, I know! Things were a bit hectic in the last 2 weeks of school. Paul's parents were looking after the kids so I worked everyday. Goodness, I was exhausted and, Maddy and Gethin were extremely clingy after all that work. Poor Gethin, every time I left the room he thought I was going to leave him again.
In between all that I did the first carboot sale. Its quite an experience I tell you. The minute you park your car you get bombarded by people asking for mobiles and jewellery! I was sure the one lady was going to unpack the car for me. Strange people shop at carboot sales. Anyway, it was worth the effort as I made about £70. Not too bad!
The scrapbooking challenge took a break for that "busy" week and since both Kerry and I didn't manage a lo we called it quits with no fines! Nice when you can make up the rules as you go along!!!

BUT we're back on track this week with our layouts. I've just had a nice little parcel from the USA so I'm quite keen to get scrapping this week.
On the weekend my friend Tanya came to visit from Nottingham. We had a lovely day on Friday with shopping in the morning and then dinner and the theatre in the evening! Paul has done a lot of babysitting lately and seems to manage quite fine - think I may take advantage more often!
Its Easter holidays for the next 2 weeks so I've decided now would be a good time to potty train Maddy since I can stay home and its getting a bit warmer. We're on day 2 now and so far so good. She seems to be quite willing and we've only had a few accidents! Fingers crossed I'll do a better job with her than I did with poor Ross!
I will keep you posted on our progress!
That's all folks - I'm off to have a cup of tea and relax!
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