At last I am able to report back with some "good news". In fact, its quite a lot of good news. Firstly, Paul has a job! Actually he's had 2 jobs in the last month. Let's just say the first one didn't work out too well. Its a long story so I won't bore you with the details. He started job no. 2 today so as I'm writing this I'm hoping all is going well on his first day. He will be assistant drainage engineer at The City of Stirling which is a local council in Perth. I'm sure he'll do a "sterling" job!!! Excuse the pun!
The second bit of good news is that we have moved into a rental property in Canning Vale, which is much closer to the city. Its a lovely house with 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. We've been having (well I have) so much fun in the last month shopping up a storm for all the new house goodies. As you may or may not know, we sold most of our worldly possessions in Wales so we're basically starting from scratch again. We've been waiting for 7 years to have nice things again so I think we deserve to treat ourselves. The house is still a little bare as it is virtually impossible to get everything done in one go but we're getting there.
Today was also Ross' first day at school. He was very brave and seemed to be ok when I left him in the capable hands of his new teacher, Miss Matthews. She seems very sweet and I'm sure my boy will settle in just fine. The school is literally across the road from our house which is very convenient as I can just pop across there to drop him off and fetch him.
My job situation has had a few speed bumps along the way. You can never imagine how much stress 2 very silly letters can cause. Add to the mix some postal strikes and you have one rather annoyed lady waiting 4 weeks for them to arrive. Hopefully this is the end of all the hiccups and I shall soon be registered with the College of Teachers. I'm hoping to start supply/relief teaching once school starts again after Christmas.
And so, on this rather cheerful note,I shall say good-bye for now....
1 comment:
Michelle, very excited to hear the good news. Hope school went well and everything continues ticking along for you.
Mel xx
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