SO, I decided that it was time for a pet. Now, don't go getting too excited and think cute, adorable puppy! UM No! I'm not that mad. Paul and I are not very big pet people so a dog or cat is out, plus, in our defense, we rent so its not really allowed unless you've paid the pet bond (which is $100 for anyone interested).
I then had a think about my pet criteria and they are as follows in no particular order.
1) It must be relatively maintenance free since I will be the sucker responsible for that department.
2) It must look nice.
3) Low cost.
Ok, that narrows things down to about 1 pet - a fish!
Awww, how cute and cuddly - I bet thats what you're thinking!
Well not really but Maddy and Gethin were pretty keen on the whole "pet fish" idea when I put it to them this morning and suggested a field trip to the pet shop. So off we went to the nearest "Better pets and gardens" and put forward the criteria to the fish lady!
She helped me choose a nice-looking, small, hassle-free glass tank and 3 (one for each child) little fishies and Bob's your uncle, we have PETS!
Maddy insisted on personally, holding the bag of Guppy's in the car, which was rather exciting as she gave them a good few shake ups and constantly reassured them that they were not going to die!

Once we had made it safely home without any major incidents she then very proudly carried the 2 bags inside the house where she proceeded to drop the bag with the Siamese Fighter on the floor with a very loud thud! I quickly rescued him from any further harm and placed him safely on the counter. He looked rather stunned and sat very still at the bottom of his bag - while I contemplated whether he would actually make it to the tank alive.
Fear not - he survived without further incident! And we can now lay claim to being pet owners!

I would take some pictures of the whole tank if I could find the key for the filing cabinet which my secretary in training (aka Gethin) has lost. The camera is not in the filing cabinet but the charger for it is! I think we shall be breaking the lock very shortly as we begin to need more and more items from the said cabinet.
And so, on that merry note, I shall bid you farewell!
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