Number 1: No dodgy camp sites! My biggest aversion to camping is the whole public ablutions issue so they had to be clean and tidy. In fact, you actually get camp sites with your own on-site shower and toilet. That's definitely on my list of places to go camping!
Number 2: We had to be organised! There was no way I going camping with some poky tent and a few sleeping bags. We needed to have all "the camping gear" necessary to make this a pleasant experience.
And so with all these requirements met we set off on our first trip! Not too far away from home (an hour) and only for one night, our camp site of choice was Moore River. Our friends, Vaughan and Roelinda, were the chosen victims to witness this very first mission. I figured that there would be safety in numbers in case Paul and I couldn't get the tent up or had forgotten some vital piece of equipment to ensure a fun-filled experience.
I needn't have worried though! The tent went up with relative ease and no arguments!
The children had a ball - excuse the pun!
Between the two camping families we set up a pretty mean camp kitchen and ate like kings!
No camping experience is complete without marshmallows!
The children couldn't wait to sleep in the tent and I've never seen them so keen to go to bed! I must mention, that we probably had the cleanest tent in the whole camp site. Not only because it was a new tent, but also because Paul and his ocd ways wouldn't let anyone in the tent unless they had removed every possible speck of dirt from under their feet. This involved picking the kids up and vigorously dusting their feet and then depositing them into the tent without their feet touching the ground.
The camp site was set in a beautiful location with the beach only a short walk away.
And so, this is how I survived our very first family camping trip.
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