Its been bitterly cold here this week and today when I took Ross to school I actually had prise my car doors open as they were iced shut. When we got to school we had to be very careful how we walked as it was quite slippery. I was holding Gethin and trying to keep a firm grip on Maddy as she walked. A very kind parent offered to carry her so she didn't fall. Bad idea! No one will ever kidnap Madison - she screamed and kicked and carried on so much! The poor woman eventually had to swap children and take Gethin instead. Another kind parent came behind and picked up all the items of clothing Maddy had managed to discard in the whole event. I think we brought the whole car park to a standstill. That's my girl!
After that excitement it was off to Maddy's school and then Gethin and I hit the shops for my favourite pastime - shopping! But not before we had coffee and a bite to eat at M&S! We wandered around the shops for awhile and I'm sad to say I couldn't find anything to buy!
I had planned on putting the Christmas tree up this afternoon when Ross was home from school. I was all psyched up for an afternoon of chaos and mess and had even phoned Paul to warn him of the afternoons disruptions and that he should not expect much in the line of supper. But alas!! It was not to be as I could not find the shed keys where the tree is stored. Hopefully they will be located tonight and I will psych myself up again to do it in the morning. I use to love putting the tree up but the thought of doing it with 2 little ones and a baby is not quite so appealing. I just know they're not going to put those decorations where I want them to go!
Bah humbug!
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