That sounds like a good title for a Christmas concert! We've had a week of Christmas concerts and still have one more to go tomorrow. Maddy was a snowman in her concert which was on Wednesday. She wasn't a very well snowman unfortunately! She's had a bad bout of flu with high temperatures for most of the week. We dosed her up with paracetamol just before her "grand" performance which kept her going until the end of her show which lasted all of 15 minutes. They were so cute - about twenty 2 year olds singing some rather cute Christmas songs. Well, some were crying and the rest were just sitting wide eyed staring at all the adults oooohing and aaaahing over them! Sweet nonetheless especially when one of them is yours. Hopefully the attached video clip works and you can see Maddy singing "We wish you a merry Christmas".
Ross' concert was on Thursday and a lot more sophisticated, of course. He was a choirboy so he didn't have a lot to do besides sing! He wasn't very impressed with the choice of costume however - a dress in his eyes. Tomorrow is his Sunday School Christmas concert and he'll be back in a "dress" again, this time as a shepherd. At least this "dress" comes with a stick and a little sheep so he's a lot happier about it.
Paul had his knee op on Thursday and all seems to have gone well. He was back home the same night and seems to be making quite a fast recovery. It was so nice to have him home today instead of being out all day with football.
We've had a busy day today with a birthday party, concert practise and then the annual Church Christmas Dinner. We haven't been to the previous 2 Christmas dinners because of the children but decided to give it a go this year. Our Church doesn't have many young families so Paul and I are always nervous to attend such events as we don't want our children to ruin any one's idea of a nice quiet meal! I think the people were secretly hoping, as we entered the hall that they wouldn't be the ones to have the "Evans'" at their table. Shame! I think we always think the kids are making twice as much noise as they really are because people always come over and say how well behaved they were. Maybe they're just lying but we had a nice meal and enjoyed the carols afterwards with no major events to report or any breakages. Phew!
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