
Saturday 29 May 2010

Life is NOT always rosie!!!

I would love to pretend that I live the perfect life with my perfect family in a perfect world. Sometimes when I read back on my blog thats what it seems like - all happy and joyful! Thats good but its not a true reflection of reality and I wouldn't like to give a false misrepresentation of our life. Ever had one of those days when nothing goes according to plan? Well, I've had one of those weeks!
I was going to sit and recount my whole woeful story but then I thought about it, and it all started to sound rather insignificant - stomach bug spoiling our weekend away, more sick kids, work, childcare issues, immunisations, housework blah blah blah blah blah........................................................
Ok, so it wasn't earth-shatteringly terrible but it was a little bit rubbish.

Enough of the pity party - rolls eyes.

In the last month and a bit we have ......

Celebrated 3 birthdays

1 Mother's Day (albeit a week late)

Watched Ross play footy very early every Sunday morning

And been to Busselton for the weekend


1 comment:

yummy mummy gone bad said...

looks like everythings going well! I'm having one of those weeks too!