
Friday 27 January 2012

I HATE making these!!

Now, I know "hate" is a strong word but I truly do not have a good relationship with these suckers!

Feeling sorry for myself when school starts as I'll have to make 3 packs of them since Gethin starts kindy this year. More, if I truly am wonder woman and make myself and my darling husband lunch as well!

I've tried all the tricks and nothing works quite right for me.

Do them straight after eating dinner. Ummm NO! By the time I've slaved away in the kitchen making dinner and then tidied up after, the last thing I feel like doing is making more food!

Get up extra early and make them. Not gonna happen!

So for now, my poor family will have to make do with my 2 sec.-made-in-a-hurry-slap-on-some-spread-sandwiches!

Maybe one day, when I win the Lottery, they will get gourmet sandwiches made by the live-in Chef!

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